Saturday, January 30, 2010

8i9at '3araam *6*


and just like i promised ;)

this post goes to springiiii 7abeebat galbii for her support!

AND ......

Tutti ;p

3ashan matgoolen i break promises ;****

ur a character in the story!

readers...a7ibkm !

Enjoy !



He was a few steps away when he picked up the phone

And said

Halla ya galbii”




Oh my god

Laa this can’t be

This isn’t happening!

Why does this happen when I just started to believe…

Believe what my thoughts were telling me

Now it was impossible to even consider them

Not after this...

You know what the werid thing is?

Ena my reaction to what happened isn’t what I’ve expected

A7s im betrayed

Even though im not his

A7s im hurt

Even though im not his

A7s eny magdar at7amal shoftah anymore

Even though im not his

I’m not his

Never will be

That’s just the way things are

You don’t get anything you wish for in life

Even though I didn’t wish for that

But still

Things are always missing in your life but at the end you happen to find the missing pieces

Perhaps this was missing for me.

And perhaps it’s not meant to be found

Not now...

I was really thinking hard about this

Trying to conclude

What next I asked myself

Should I fight for him?

I thought about it for a second...

I’m crazy

What I’m doing is wrong

I can’t just pop back into his life expecting everything to be the same

What will he think of me if I did that?

What will she think of me?

I’m better than this

Yes I haven’t experienced love before but I know how it makes people feel

I know what happens when you see the person your heart chose...

I know how your eyes glow when you see them smile....

I know how your heart skips a beat when there close enough to hear their breath...

So why should I ruin his life?

Because I felt something...

Because he was mine from the beginning?

Yes it hurts...

To let go of someone that you liked so much...

Just to see them happy...

And I wanted that.

I think this is my decision right now

Sho abaabh?

I’m better off without him

I’m not the girl friend material

I did have a crush on him once upon a time

But now times have changed

I tried to remember us as kids

I tried to remember the way he held my hand when we ran..

I tried to remember the way he protected me...

The way he smiled at me when he sees me looking his way...

I shook the memories out of my head

I missed those days

“he promised me”

Now that I remembered all this

I felt different

A7es I’m paralyzed

I couldn’t talk

I wanted to scream

But I couldn’t

I couldn’t even turn so I wouldn’t hurt myself more

I didn’t want to look at him

It was too late

He looked back to face me

With a huge smile on his face

That smile ga6e3at galbii…

Why am I even feeling this way?

This isn’t making any sense to me

But look at the bright side I said to myself

He doesn’t like Mahra

That’s when I snapped out of it

Why do I care?

So what if he has girl friend...

That he loves min kel galbah..

O roo7ah..

O 7ayath...

Why should I care?

7abeebtah ely teswa 3yoonah ...

7ayaatah ely mayegdar ye9ber 3anha...

Ely etha ebte3ad 3anha y7es roo7ah tetrekah...

Why should I care?

So what etha kan galbah le 7ad ‘3air..

It’s his life...

3alla kaifah...

Shu ey5e9ni ana...

Laish a3awer rassi?

These thoughts were all over my head

I was sitting on the sand by Mahra

I turned to look at her

She was occupied with her cell

Texting I thought
I was about to talk and ask her if she knew about this girl

Bss zain geba’6t lsaani

My thoughts were taking over my head I stopped realizing what I was doing

I was getting too jealous over nothing..

Too curious over nothing..

And too upset over absolutely nothing..

I wanted to forget what happened...

Obviously I couldn’t do that.

I turned to look at the waves and accidently stole a glimpse of him…

His head was tilted backwards with his mouth half open

He was laughing

gosh abaa a3rif sho tgoolah !

Why was he laughing?

Was she telling him a joke?

Akeed he likes her that much he thinks she’s funny

I tried to control my curiousness

My fingers were tucked under the smooth sand

I tried to loosen up..

Even up my breathing...
I closed my eyes...

Listening to the wind blowing...

And the waves splashing on the rocks...

I was in my own little world.


But I couldn’t relax

I couldn’t forget

I just couldn’t

“Sorry about that”

His voice sounded so soft and honest

I could hear his apology from the tone

I opened my eyes

And there he was looking down at me with that smirk

I couldn’t breath

I couldn’t answer

I couldn’t look away

My eyes were locked on his

Everything was slow motion to me now.

Somehow I was able to relax

Just by one look from him

I felt something ...

KiL Ma Tegterb Alhaaaaf kaNiiii Ked ge6aaaa3T amyaaaL !

Le na’6ertinii ahDaa o 7ally Yesteger Bel7aal...

This weird feeling was growing in me

Galbii y3awerni..

I can’t stand this..

I can’t stand seeing him with someone else

I can’t stand seeing someone else make him laugh

I just can’t stand seeing him happy with her

I was jealous

I promised myself I wouldn’t interfere in his life.

My thoughts were screaming at me now.

“Bss ana mabaah !”

“Ana ma7ebah”

“I don’t even know what love feels like” I lied to myself now

The more I looked into his eyes ,

The more I felt hatred towards him.

7asaait eny kerahtah

Kerakt 3yoonah

Keraht his smile

Keraht the way he looked at me

Keraht the way he made me feel

The way he turned my life upside down

Madree laish

Weird right?

I don’t know how love can turn to hatred

This was all new to me

I didn’t know if I should react this way towards him

I didn’t know why I kept ogling

Aaaaah ya rabii

I can’t stand those eyes !

All what I was able to do is look away...
I could feel his gaze on me...

Searching for an answer to my reaction...

I didn’t have an explanation...

“Umm Meera?”

I didn’t look at him

I kept my eyes on the waves

“shu feech?”He looked confused “did I do something wrong?”

"your seriously asking...your the reason for all this"

i thought about what to say...

maybe i should ask him who that was

No...maba abaayn eny mehtama..

“No” I replied coldly without turning

“Shoo feech 3eyal?”

i was getting mad...i dont know where this energy came from but i couldnt control it“Mafeya shay!”I snapped at him rudely

I didn’t realize what I just did

I was reacting differently now

I wasn’t myself

I wanted to take back what I said

It was too late

His eyes weren’t the same anymore...

There wasn’t a glow in them...

I didn’t feel the warmth that used to exist in them...

He sighed and sat right next to me

I closed my eyes so he wouldn’t distract me

I didn’t want him to talk

Not now.

I was back in my own world

I kept on wondering

Did he not hear how I reacted?

Did he not see the way I looked at him?

Mahra turned our way after a few minutes of silence

“Oh 3abood meta radeet?”She asked surprisingly

“tawa” He said grimly

“Who was that on the phone?”She winked at him with excitement running through her voice

“Fdait’ha haay Salaami” he said

My eyes snapped open

“Oh eydali3ha ba3ad” i thought

I was getting annoyed just by hearing her name.

“2weeeeih! gooool walllaa !” her voice was all excited

“Could this get any better?” I asked myself

“La agi9 3alich”he said sarcastically

“3aboooood”mahra said annoyed

“Mahrooooh” He looked at her with a smirk plastered on his face

I was trying to escape this conversation

But I did want to know more about this “Salami”

I pictured her as a tall girl with long dark dark brown hair and hazel eyes

Perfect curves …

perfect nose…

perfect lips…

well she was perfect .

Now it was irritating me more to think of her that way.

I pictured them together

I pictured them happy

And that killed me...

Everyone gets jealous right?

Mub lazem eykoon 7ub

Whatever this feeling was

It wasn’t love.

Laa may5e9a fe love at all.

I tried to shove this idea out of my head before it took over.

I just knew that he shouldn’t be with her

7ata ana mabaah

Why would I want him?

This was insane even to think about it

Uhh this was so stressful !

I turned to face him

I wanted to know more

I was curious

Why did he like her that much

I wanted to know what she had that I didn’t

I don’t know how my face reacted to the name but he had an anxious look when he saw me turn

He got distracted when Mahra glanced at him waiting for him to continue

“Tgooly she’s coming next week to Dubai” he looked so pleased as he said that

That’s when I felt a bit guilty

I sighed and tried to smile at him


He smiled back

But he wasn’t trying

He meant it...

He continued talking

But now he was more relaxed.

I watched as his eyes moved from me to Mahra

“A5EEEERAN! SHES COMING! YAAAAAY”Mahra was on her feet by now

I was confused

Why was she so thrilled?

Why does everyone react cheerfully towards this girl?

I just realized Mahra was not telling me everything

She missed out on a lot of things

It bothered me a little

“hahah chill girl” his lashes were curled up as he laughed at Mahra

“WHEN IS SHE COMING?!”She was thrilled by now

“I just told you haha ne-”

“Next week”I broke my silence and looked at Mahra now with a smile

“You knew about this too? laish ma5abrteeni !”She seemed exasperated

Obviously Mahra was having a blond moment

“Calm down 3abdalla just said I don’t even know her” I looked at him as I said the last word

“Huh?”She looked confused

It took her a few seconds to get it

 “ooooh I never told you about her have I!”Her fingers were covering her mouth

“Nope” I smiled “you forgot that part too”

“Oops my bad baby” she looked awkward

3abdalla noticed the weird moment we were having

That’s when he started talking

I concentrated as his lips said these three words.

“She’s my sister”

Thursday, January 28, 2010


im soooo sorry u guys !

im leaving for the weekend

to our beach house...

bss mafee wireless=/

il be typing the story when im there

bss not posting

il be back on Saturday...

just  2 days:p

wallllaaa bakteblkum a7laaaa post yaaa a7laa readers !

its gnaa beee AMAZING wallaa

il be at the beach

relaxed and all so it will be a nice post

latez3loon miny !

a7ebkum alll ;*****

Sunday, January 24, 2010

8i9at '3araam *5*


yes yes it is a short post;(

inshalla next one will be longer i promise ;p




That’s when it hit me


Mahra kept on talking nonstop about her days in the US and how she misses Abu Dhabi so much.

But I wasn’t hearing much from what she’s saying

Why was I feeling a bit different suddenly?

Everything was not the way it was


I was filled with thoughts and guiltiness...

This was a shock to me....

 I wasn’t that kind of girl... I never envied any of my friends about their lives...

I never got jealous from them when they talked about their boyfriends…

I knew there was much more to life than creating hatred around me…

I was always happy for them.

I was sure this was just an overreaction

It was nothing I repeated to myself…

this means nothing.

“That’s my girl” kept on rewinding in my head.

The voices got louder and louder

I tried to stop thinking about it, but it got worse

I wanted them to stop

I was getting furious for no reason!

What was going on with me?

Was I getting jealous already?

this feeling was beyond description.

It felt like flames…

I was mad at myself for thinking this way...

I never understood what my friends meant when they were jealous from other girls....

 And her I am

This feeling that was deep inside that I never experienced befor, especially from Mahra, she was my sister and friend.

 It was jealousy…

My first experience.

I knew he didn’t mean anything

But at that moment I wanted to be his girl, some how

“Forever” I said to myself

I got distracted by all these thoughts…

They were rushing like a rocket to my head

I didn’t want to assume anything

I didn’t want to believe anything

I just didn’t want to be put in this situation

“heloooo! anaa akalim rooo7i?”Mahra said with an annoyed look on her face

 "huuuh? Laa laa ana ma3aach 7abeebti, don’t worry "

 I tried to hide it

I tried to hide my feelings for guilt

I tried to hide what was going on with me

I thought it would pass

I didn’t want to confess anything

Not this

But Mahra knew I was hiding something

She knew me too much

I couldn’t lie to her, even if I tried

“Meme, babe what’s wrong???”

She put both her hands on my shoulder trying to comfort me

I was like an open book to her

She knew my thoughts just by looking at me

“umm la mashay”I tried to hide it by smiling

“Please work…please work.”I thought to myself “just let it go Meera ma9ar shay your just over reacting a little bit don’t ya think?”

Mahra knew I was flowing in my little bubble

“Meera” She looked me straight in the eye

“Maybe if I told her I would feel better”I thought for a second “who am I kidding? She’s ganna HATE MEEH”

My thoughts were screaming at me now! aaah why can’t I just drop it at get a life!

“Don’t you dare hide it from me” she tried to read the expression on my face “7abebty how bad can it be?”

“hehe laa laa 7abebty don’t worry! Mafyaa shay at all can’t you see!”I fake smiled her and hugged her

 She hugged me back more tightly

“A7bich baby girl” she whispered

I felt her gasp near my ear

And hugged her tightly

“A7ibch more”and kissed her cheek

I couldn’t forgive myself after this

I shouldn’t even think this way about him

How dare me?

I was better than this…I should accept it

Some people say saved by the bell right?

Well I’m not sure if it’s the best savior


I literally pushed Mahra away and turned to the other way to face him with shock written all over my face

Am I going to react this way every time he shows up?

This was insane

He had a smirk plastered on his face

“I hate to break this scene but I gotta say you too love birds are really something”

She starts to walk towards him

“uhh 3abood get a life”

“enshalla 3amooh”still smiling with his teeth shining so brightly

“Meme shu raych we go sit by the shore?”

She was standing right next to him facing me

“aa-ya why not”

He looked at her with his most gorgeous eyes


“hahaha lat9ee7 you can join too…I guess”her eyes were scanning the place

I was too shy to keep looking his way so I looked away and watched the waves….

They weren’t high but the day was shwyah windy

“yalla lets go sit at that spot” she points toward the rocks near the 5oor “3ashan….well you know what I mean”

“3ashan ma7d eychoofna ga3deen with a guy” I thought

Yes…it’s true

MANGOOD (3aib) el bint teg3ad ma3a guys that aren’t family or anything…or even talk to them

What would they think if they saw us by the beach,all alone,with a man

Aaah m-man,I don’t want to even think about it

Mahra knew if someone saw us that would be the ends of both are lives, well let’s just say will be in deep shit or at least I’ll be

I laughed at that thought.

We started walking in silence

It felt so awkward

Ana o Mahra were sticking to each other considering the consequences

My arm was wrapped around her waist

“sooo… Meeroh hows school”

My head was resting on Mahras shoulder looking the other side trying not to accidently catch his gaze

I was officially in lalaland

Mahra shook her shoulders when she noticed I wasn’t answering

My head jumped right off her shoulder

“aaaaaay rasssi !”I said loudly

It seriously hurt like hell

Everyone froze

She looked at me and pointed his way with her eyes

“ahahhah”I cracked up

She looked ridiculous using eye language or whatever you call it

He was just staring at me

“ahah”I look around at the faces that were just frozen in place, my laugh was going lower by the second

I look back and forth at the two faces

“Why are you two looking at me like that?”I smiled widely flashing my teeth

Ok this is embarrassing I thought

He talked again

“I was saying, shu el school ma3ach” he looked at me weirdly with his eyebrows popping out of place

OMG is he talking to me?

Well this is nice I thought

I just looked like a crazy person that’s been out in the run

“uh-mm Yah School is gre- ”

I broke off when I heard a phone ringing

The song was me7ad 7amad –yali theba7k el ‘3alla

He reached his pocket for his phone

We were already near the 5oor

So the cost was clear el7emdella

His phone was glowing…

I looked up at his face waiting for him to pick up

He flashed a smile as soon as he read the name….

I just kept on watching his faces expression

“Umm sorry I gotta take this call…I’ll be right back you guys” he was looking directly at me

I heard excitement in his voice

“Sure take your time 3abood”Mahra said and smiled at him

I was still wondering who was calling him and made him leave quickly

Well actually curious

I watched him as he turned and started walking towards the shore

He was a few steps away when he picked up the phone

and said


Halla ya galbii”

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

8i9at '3araam *4*


im sooooooo sorry it took me sooooooo long =/
but seriosuly its worth it(a)
i think this is officially the longest post in history!

i added extra juicy stuff for my sexy gorgeous readers;p
ok so maba6wl 3alikm just wanted to say....



That answer was what mattered now…

I knew he remembered me...


I was still dazzled by the smile

And by the gaze

And the moment

Well let’s just say about everything!

It was nice looking at him…

Randomly it felt nice

Actually breathtaking

I mean his sexiness was great and all..

But you know what I mean i dont have to go into details...

I got distracted by my sister Noura…


Walla shes a life savior


I was literally going crazy here!

She was sitting right next to me on the table

Noura: (whispers) MEME! shuu feeech ?you seem like you’ve seen a MONSTER
Her eyes were wide open worried

Me:oh-owh, 7abeebty I think I got butterflies….!

Noura: huh? Butterflies? Kill them!

7abeebti walla hal bint…
I wouldn’t call Noura slow but her thoughts are so innocent it made her that way…


(Interrupted my mom)

She gave us the “look”

You all know the look 9aa7?

Its chee when the face freezes and the eyes are on you with a serious look

I bet you all went through that one don’t lie lol

mom: banaat kamlo kalam ba3d el‘3eda
sekatna ana o Noura

I turned back to look at him…

He wasn’t their

Wain raa7?

Was it me that made him take off like that?

“He wouldn’t just stand their randomly”
I thought to myself
“Akeed he went to change”

I looked at my plate…huh now I seriously can’t eat

I actually wasn’t able to eat in his presence, which was kind of stupid since nothing was actually going on...


Just memories
He’s all grown up now

I wasn’t being this way because I felt something towards him
Hell no

I was just surprised and curious about him
That’s all

I’m not in love
I didn’t believe in that crap. I never did

I used to watch my friends fall in love and get heartbroken
But never tried so myself…

I was always too scared to risk anything,
That was me..

A typical innocent girl.

Specially being from Abu Dhabi

Not everyone was open minded

Well my family was

I was allowed to go out

Enjoy my time

But everything had limits

Like when my mom tells me to come back home
I come back

They were strict

But there rules were very reasonable to me...

Like getting my own personal phone was out of the question
Once I become a 12th grader

That’s when some rules get broken

and the shaila-ah and 3abaah part..

well I wore it but they weren’t strict about it at all

when my shaila-ah fell off my head no one made a big deal

my parents still treated me as a kid

so I took advantage of that
it was ok…

My parents weren’t over protective or anything

But they were kind of old fashioned

Well my dad’s sides of the family were…not very understanding

My mom was totally from Dubai

She didn’t get to wear her shail-ah until she got married

It’s not because she hated it or something

It’s because her family were very open minded

They had a different view for the outside world

They traveled a lot

Seen other cultures

So they accept a lot from what’s out their

But since we lived in Abu Dhabi now,

well,lets say....
Things were totally the opposite

Dad’s family didn’t accept things like mom’s family

Very protective would be the right word to use

Dad was the youngest from all 4 brothers

His older brother, 3amy s3eed, shipped him off to Switzerland and enrolled him in a boarding school for high school then to the US for college.

3amy s3eed wanted my dad to get the best education since he was the one in control after my grandpa’s death.

So thankfully my dad also isn’t closed minded like the rest of the family

He’s seen what’s out there and practically lived all his life abroad.

He just thinks it’s much more appropriate to respect his family’s point of view


Enough about my parents

Now I know what you’re all thinking of me

Please. please don’t get my personality wrong

I was approached by many guys but wasn’t really interested

I’m not arrogant or anything but I never thought I would be the type who would fall for someone…


After lunch

The whole family sat outside in the garden for some tea...

Everyone was there, yadoo Meera, yadee Saif, and 5 of their grown children, including my mother, and many of their grandchildren…

I was just standing by the houses entrance door…randomly

I didn’t feel like sitting

I was enjoying the conversations that was going on between the ladies

even though i wasn't a part of what they were talking about

I just liked feeling part of the convo

El yam3ah 7elwah

El kel was enjoying their time


O ‘6e7ek

And the whole pack

Everyone was just happy to be their

The kids were playing and having fun playing catchers

I watched Noura…when she played with all the other kids

Most of the kids wanted to play with Noura since they don’t see her often

She moved so delicately and lady-like

I noticed her turn and catch me staring at her

I smiled to my baby sister and walked in the house

I was on my way to the kitchen to get something to eat since I was starving.

“MEME!” it sounded more like a shout
I recognized that voice; it was Mahra

My sweetie cousin and my other half standing by the kitchen door.

I lost touch with her ever since she moved

Me: OMG Maharee yal 7maraaa makint adree you came back!
I literally jumped up and down like a kid!

I was so excited to see her

I just adored this girl; she was like my older sister and secret keeper.

For a second there I totally stopped thinking about “him”.

Mahra: I missed you so much! wainich me5tafya ?!Just because I live abroad doesn’t mean I don’t exist!
She had this huge frown planted on her face I knew she was disappointed

Well it wasn’t just with her that I lost touch

I’ve been living in my own bubble for a while now

Ever since ….now that’s gna be a totally different post

Mahra lived in the US with her brother, they were both studying there.
I used to see her constantly but now I only saw her during long holidays.

That was the painful part
Being away from her

She was a very emotional girl...That’s why we understood each other perfectly although we had completely different personalities but somehow complete each other’s sentences…and some say practically look like sisters in real life.

I noticed until now I haven’t really described how I looked...

My long wavy hair reached half of my back…no layers or anything…with short bangs that reached my eyebrows hair is thick but looked very silky… it was the color of dark chocolate…I’m kind of petite but my height was perfect not too short nor too tall around 160…all my curves were in the right places…my weight was around breasts…well let’s just say I’m a size C….my eyes are pretty wide redishh-brown with long dark lashes…I have full natural luscious lips the color of light pink…my teeth are pearly white and perfect thanks to 2 years of braces…my nose is tiny but slightly curved at the end….my eyebrows are curved...shaped perfectly for a girl and thick but not as dark as my hair color…my cheek bones were defined and my jaw line was sharp…my cheeks weren’t so full or pink but whenever I’m in the sun they turn bright pink !my skin isn’t so pail or dark it was slightly tanned…but I tanned a lot so I usually have this golden tan…I have a small beauty mark under my eye on the right side of my face…my nails were the worst part…I had a bad habit of biting so most of the time there short…

“Meera el 2meera”
the words startled me

The voice was so soft and sharp at the same time

I needed time to take in what just happened

3abdalla was standing right behind me.

Right their!
Few inches away!

I froze and blushed

Why am I not running away?

I actually was surprised at my reaction

But one thing I was really astonished by

He remembers everything

Even the nickname he used to call me when we were kids

I was so shy…I don’t know why

Were technically like sister and brother right?

We were kids back then...

I didn’t know how to answer him

First words were supposed to be something clever and perfect

Kint wayed mesta7yaa

what the heck ”I asked myselfI seriously need help”

Well they have been 9 years!

Mub yoom aw yomeen 3ashan I talk normaly and laugh

Seriously I was losing it

I ended up saying his name

How clever 9a7?

3abady”it sounded so girly i almost laughed 
And smiled

I noticed his eyes grew wider as I said what I used to call him.

"oh zain tethkreen my name "
And shot me this million dollar smile.
His cute dimple popped out

 Old memory

“Hi Meera!”
“Hey 3abady!”
I saw this excitement in his face as he saw me arrive

He was the first kid I looked for to play with

“You have to see my new darajah!ta3aaaly barakibch”
His smile was so wide it was all I could see
On his flawless face…

Back to realty

He was so cute as kid

His smile is what makes you feel all cuddly and comfy

The one that you see on a kid when they know their doing something wrong.
Yes…An Innocent smile

Mahra jumped in the conversation “3abood yal sebaaal sh7aga enta ba3ad ga6e3ni?!”
Her voice was high and sounded more like a shout

I laughed
“ Maharee can you wait a while before screaming at everyone you see? You just got here!Chill baby” I giggled

He laughed to
His voice had an exciting tone in it

I liked it
It was really the first time I hear a man laugh that way

"la 3adi ana o Mahra metfahmeen 9a7?"
He looks at her with the most innocent look ever; I couldn’t even pull it off
His eyes were glowing

I caught myself staring at him
How stupid

I never realized he’s all grown up now...

actually he looked so masculine.

He had a white kandoorah on…his man features changed him completely.

His body looked attractive…
Too attractive…

His tanned skin added to his hotness…His shoulders were broad ….He’s got those sculpted abs… It looked like he worked out at the gym a lot but his muscles were not too muscular… It went with his body perfectly….The hair ….I loved messy looks…Specially on guys aaah ….He had this messy hairdo…his hair color was to the shade of chocolate brown… was layered and reached half of his neck …he had a defined jaw line….he has sharp features…he had the perfect shape nose..The typical 9ager nose…his eyebrows had a perfect shape,not too bushy and not too thin… his lips were perfectly shaped, so luscious.. His lashes were long and dark and curled up every time he smiled…

And of course his eyes…They completed him….they had this rare touch of hazel. Once you look at them, you feel like you’re on cloud nine….

wallah I felt like I was hypnotized as soon as his gaze caught mine…

Finally his smile….if I described his smile I would go on forever …every time I look his way, I see this naughty smirk plastered on his face…he has the cutest dimple on his left cheek…

 I don’t usually think of men that way but you must understand that he was amazing

He was perfect to me.

Mahra glared at him…she knows his puppy eyes won this battle

“uhh fine! I’m all alone now in the US! I have to say….i hate you for leaving me with Josh uhhh such an ass ta3rif ma9adag enik re7t! He’s all over me now!"

"hahaha he still has a thing for ya?"
He had a smirk plastered on his face

"still?!!!!! The dude’s literally stuck on my ass!"

It took me a second to realize what they’re saying

“w-wait you two were studying together?”my voice sounded surprised

“duhhh ! I thought I told you!”Mahra said

“U-umm no, I think you missed that part” I looked disappointed

3abdalla was about to laugh
Was something funny?
OMG I freaked out was something on my face o ana madree?
La laa I guess he was laughing at both of us
We looked like total blondies when we talked

He tried to change the subject after a second
“soo shu saweete eb joshy haha”

“oh yaaah after you left! hahahhaha I kind of blackmailed him to back-off or else he’s in deep shit signed ….3abdalla”
she looked at 3abdalla with the most evil look ever

"hahaha that’s my girl."
He had the cutest weird laugh ever. it was kind of goofy but I loved it

He shot me a wink and walked away.

That’s when it hit me..