Wednesday, March 31, 2010

8i9at '3araam*11*

Heeey ladies…..

Sho ma3eyabkm the last post?

Lol I don’t usually care how many comments I get bas after a long absence I was expecting more enthusiasm from you guys….!

Anyways…sema3too 3an a7mad bin Zayed alNhyaan?

Maskeen allaah yer7aamah….

Min eshwaay defnooh…

Btw you guysss
Ana msaafra on Friday….
So won’t be posting any time soon
2waal marjaa3 enshalla post 3alla 6oool


This post isn’t as long as the previous one but hope u enjoy it!
I’d like to clarify one important thing…
This is a REAL STORY…!
I just added my own touches to make it more interesting for the readers:)
Etha mub fahmeen shay or feel lost in the story….feel free to ask! Walla afraa7 when I get questions cause that just means ur interested in knowing more about the story and following up and I appreciate that ;)

One more thing anything in purple is me Dazzlin talking loool !
I would tell you if Meera was talking or anything so don’t worry about that part;)

Oh yah….about the tag
Sorry 7abeebtii heaven, didn’t see it before

So here you go
*The task is to write 7 things about you and tag 7 others…*

1. I love watching movies! doesn’t matter if its horror, comedy, thriller, romance, or even animation ! It’s the best way to let time pass really fast without noticing and to get your mind of things for a while ;) and for now my fav movie of the year is "My name is Khan"amazing movie
2. My blackberry smart phone<3.<3 ! For about a year now it’s been my best friend….no matter what mood I’m in the stupid broadcasts always make my day!

3. I’m the youngest child between 4:p lol ppl say u benefit a lot being in that position I say that’s bull shit-.-

4. I love Rashid elmajed<3 his songs are so passionate and real and that’s why I love’em ! fav song for now is"allah kareem"<3

5. Coke addict! I know it’s bad and madree shu but walla I can’t taste food if coke isn’t around!

6. I day dream a lot! like all the time….usually I’m always talking and talking but if I’m quiet then that means I’m day dreamin loool :p

7. Lastly … I love writing I love that it’s a way to take away all the pain….just putting it on a paper or wherever makes it better for me!i actually have a diary that my brother got for me!eygooly 2waanh keep it out of mom's sight haha shai6aan 25ooya:p

I tag 7abaaybii ;**
That Perfect Someone
Heaven (a)mara thanya for me



Mub beedy...

He makes me smile
He makes me happy
Kalaamh eyfaar7 galbi
Ey3alemny ashyaa2 makint a3arfha
Eykaberny ma3aah
Ey3ayeshni 7ubaah
Gives me hope
Gives me strength
Gives me power to keep living
For him only…..


We lay next to each other on the sand

Looking up at the stars together

Elnejoom ely 3aberen 3an 7ubah

Elnejoom ely kel machoofhm thekartah

Thekart 9oortah

Thekart ree7tah

Thekart 9ootah

Thekart lamsetah

Thekart na’6ratah

Thekart kel shay feeh

Every time I see the stars I remember every single detail…

That night was one of my best memories

my best days

My best memories with him

And that was the start of everything

The start of my love

The start of my new beginning

He held me close that night

2eedah beedy




We3adny enah mara7 yet5ala 3any

No matter how far or apart we get

Ana galbah el7een

And no one will ever take him away from me

We3adny enah maraa7 eychoof ‘3ary fe ‘3yabi

And I believed

I believed kel shay minah

Wesh elethee ye56er fe baalik wasaaweeh

Law 7atta fe we96 el ba7aar abneee byoot~!

I believed everything he said

I don’t know if it was because of my age

But it seemed that everything was real

Especially when it came from the most perfect person living on earth

That person that belonged to me now…

That night couldn’t get any better

But we had to separate now

I spent the longest night with him

that wasn’t enough

it was never enough.

It felt more like minutes now when I remember this

“yalla 7abeebti….”his voice sounded warm

“maba areed atim ma3aak shwy zyaada”
my hand was on his chest and held on to his t-shirt really tight

“welaa ana abaach troo7en ya galbii” he wrapped his arms around me really tight

My hands were wrapped around his neck before I knew it

he was much taller than me

but i loved that

i loved how i looked up at him

i loved how i could fit between his arms so easily

he was perfect

7abeebi was perfect

ely sekaan galbi was perfect

i said it....he was 7abeebi

he was kel shay fe 7yaati....

He didn’t want to let go

Neither did I want that

but I couldn’t be in his arms forever

I had to be strong.

I had to learn to be stronger than ever

Kent lazem at3aalm el9aber

At3aalm fargaah

And know there’s always a reward at the end

I would be in his arms once again.


I could feel his breath on my hair,his arms loosened up slowly

Laa please….magdar

I cant do this


I looked into his eyes now

He tried to hide it

but I could see the pain

I could feel it all around my body

“yalla 7abeebti roo7i”

He smiled softly

When he smiles I get stronger

I get the strength from him

I relaxed straight away

I wanted to feel better


“3umrich mara7 t5aleeny”

“tew3edny enik betzoorny?”


I looked down

“hehe 7abeebti…bu’6abi mub a5aar eldenya ”

“I know”I was still looking down

“bayeech kelyoom”
his head was tilted sideways with a huge smile on his face and winked at me

I looked up half smiling

Ma7laaat hal 3yooon

Wallla I get speechless whenever I look into his eyes

They made me dream about the future

They made me realize how lucky I am

We7yaaat e3yooonik ely 3athebaatni

We7yaaat e3yooonik ely janeeenatni

Re’3m el 3athaaab wel jenoon

Amoot fe se7eer el 3yooon!

O magdaaar a3eeesh ana bdoonk

We7yaaaat we7yaaaat e3yoonk!


“sho gelna?”

“3an sho?”

“no za3al”

“oh 9a7”I flashed him my teeth straight away

“2ywaaaa freeeeze 7abeeebti”

“heheh sho feek”

“I always want to remember you this way”

I blushed

“hehe ma7laat elmeste7aa”

I started to play with my hair and looking the other way

“yalla ta3aly baw9ilch”
he slid his fingers between mine that exact second

“laa la 3abady mafya 7ad eychoofk”

“ma7ad beychoofny lat5afeen”

“mmm”I looked back at the house then turned to him

I smiled

We started walking towards the house

Hand in hand

He looked down at me every time I was looking up at him

He knew I was too young for this

But I was older than my age

I was what he wanted....

We reached the steps

I turned his way to look at him

He grabbed my shoulders gently and kissed me on the forehead

Looked down at me

“te9be7een 3alla 5aair ya galbi”

“wenta miin 2hlaa”

“bachoofch bacher enshalla 9a7?”

“mmm enshalla..”

I remembered what tomorrow was

“yalla roo7i,il wait here 2laain machoofch daa5l elbait”


He knew how I was feeling

He knew I wasn’t good in goodbyes

If I had anything to say it would be now

If I had anything to do it would be now

This night was my night

Who knows when we might be alone and together ever again

Who knows?

I waited silently at the door steps thinking

What next?

Ma3eraft when to say it

Ma3eraft when to confess how I felt towards him

I didn’t know if it was too soon

I didn’t know if it’s even close to soon

I just knew I needed him


 Meera’s POV now….

It was too soon…

Everything went too fast

I felt everything too fast

I experienced everything to fast

They always say you never know how much time you have left….so spend it wisely

And I did

Maybe I was too young

Maybe I rushed it

Maybe I wanted to rush it

But he was my first

And I wanted to experience everything with him for the first time

I wanted that memory to stay with me forever

That’s the truth actually

No matter how many relationships you go through after your first

You will never forget it

Because that’s when you first feel things for the first time in your life

You feel the love

You feel loved

You feel important

You feel valuable

But now….these memories stay with you

Not to compare

But to understanding and appreciate what you had

To make you stronger

To make you a better person

To understand life from a different point of view

Believe me a day will come and you’ll say to someone going through it

"I know how you feel".

and know I appreciate what i had ...

Back to reality...

He watched me carefully as I tried to talk

I was feeling the fire

I was feeling his eyes

“mmm…t7amaal 3alla 3emrik”

That sentence

That was all that could come out of my mouth

I could say more

I wanted to....

“bas at7amaal?”

It’s like he knew there was more to my words


I was turning red

I can feel my cheeks literally burning


I looked up at him

He was smiling

But it was an evil smirk

I was too obvious

He knew me too well

I opened my mouth to say those three words

The words he was waiting to hear from me

The words that meant a lot to our relationship

They were three easy words

I knew he was waiting to hear them

I tried to relax

I felt my breath getting heavier

this was really hard for me since I never tried it before

I slowly open my mouth to speak

“I…ummm ”

I watched as his eyes grew wide

“mmm I I --”


Maagilt a7ebek lajel wagtii asaleeeh....

La welethi najaa nebeeya min el7oot....

Wel 7eb law hoo ser wagdaar a5abeeh....

Ma gilt a7ebk 7ataa weshfaahe eskoot....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

8i9at '3araam*10*

I'm back ....;**

I missed you guys soo much
Walla its been a while
7ata ppl forgot that I'm writing a story lol
ppl come up to me talking about other stories.....and then they go like oooooh what happened to your story?!
lol that wont happen again.....I hope
I know your used to hearing excuses from me
not any more though....
new start you guys

Take this as a promise from me....I will never give up what I enjoy for others sake

*Lesson number one*

Don’t let anyone take u for granted
No matter how nice
Or how sweet
Or how in love you are with that person
Never let that take over you
Always put yourself first
You....not anybody else

I know your all saying shoo tgool haay....
Just take it as a n9eee7a from a friend
For future purposes ;)


sorry I’m a bit down today
its been going on for a while
my teachers even noticed
and recently things have been going bad
But I really need to write a post for u guys
Maybe typing this down will help me a bit


“wain mkaanich?”He was smiling softly

Aaah ma7laat that smile

Walla it lightens up my day

I was smiling back but my eyes staring down

After a few seconds I managed to finally say it

“fe gaalbik”


And this is how it went for the rest of the holiday...
He would come over to my grandpa’s house everyday
During the daytime he would come but we wouldn’t talk
We kept our distance so no one can suspect anything

We tried to take every chance we had to see each other
To talk to each other
To feel each other’s heartbeats
We would meet in the hallway to say hi every once in a while
But with my brother around

it was too hard

Mahra knew about this though

Will go into detail but not in this post

We would make plans during the daytime so we can meet

Every day during that holiday I sneaked out of the house around midnight to see him
He would be sitting in our old spot by the rocks near the beach

Every day....

He would wait for me...

He never knew when I would be able to show up

So he always waited

He wanted to spend every moment he can with me

7atta law they were a few minutes or even seconds

We knew that we didn’t have time to loose

The holiday was almost over

This was our last night

We knew we wouldn’t be able to see each other that often after this...

I won’t mention everything that happened during these couple of unbelievable nights....

Enshalla soon if you would like to know what happened I will tell you…

But for now I’ll tell you about one memory that I have to share

One miraculous memory...

One that I will never forget

One that crosses my mind every time I looked at the sea

One that I remember every night I look up to the sky

One that I see in my dreams every now and then

One that gave me hope

Hope to survive whatever was coming

To love what I was given

To enjoy every bit of it

To feel it

And to be a part of it

I was sneaking out of the house.....

It was around 2 am

I made sure everyone was sleeping before leaving the house

I was so scared someone would catch me

It was like a horror movie

And the house was literally dark

I made my way down the stairs slowly

I reached the ground floor and tiptoed slowly toward the pool door

Since it was the closest way out from the house and closer to the beach

Ya rabeeh etha chafny 7ad !

It’s so dark a7s I’m not alone !

I heard noises coming from the second floor

I freaked out

My heart literally stopped beating

My brain wasn’t functioning any more

I froze in place

Omg omg omg omg omg omg !

Omg shit !!

Mnooo hnee !

Who could be awake this time !

I didn’t know what to do

I raced out the house before anyone came down and sees me sneaking out

At the middle of the night ba3ad!

I was wearing my pink PJ's that night

They looked a bit dorky on me because they seemed like they were 2 sizes bigger than my actual size

So imagine how it looked

They were long sleeves and the pants reached knee length

Those made me look more childish

Bas I knew he liked anything on me

I ran as fast as I could

Down the steps

After few seconds my feet reached the sand

That’s when I ran faster

The sand was soft and smooth

That made it easier to run

Scary thoughts ran through my head

I tried not to think about anything but who was waiting for me a few steps away

The weather was moist that night

So that didn’t help

I was out of breath before I knew it

But now I was able to see a body sitting facing the sea shore

My heart started to race so fast I started feeling it beating inside my head which felt very annoying

Did anyone see me?

What if someone was waiting for me?

Uhhhh gosh Meera calm down….if someone saw me they would come running after me like maniacs

 I imagined that thought in my head

I started to laugh at myself

I think he heard my laugh and turned that second with a huge smile on his face

I was a few steps away from him

I stopped that instant

My hair was a mess

I had no makeup of ofcoarse

But he liked it that way

He liked it when I looked natural

He liked it when I looked real

And with him I only knew the word real

I watched as his hand reached out towards me

I smiled and started walking

I sat next to him and folded my legs under me like a kid

I felt his stare burning through me

(You know when u feel that someone is staring?

And you obviously can see them staring from the side of your eye

That’s the way he was looking at me that right moment )

I didn’t turn to look at him

I knew he was waiting to see me blush

After a few seconds of silence he started to play with my hair

My heart was beating so fast

Being this close to him made me feel this way

When he touches me my thoughts float away

I couldn’t speak whenever he touched me

But he enjoyed that

He enjoyed watching me blush every time he touched me

I didn’t know why he wasn’t talking…

It was getting weirder by the second

Sho feeh?

Laish maykalimny?

Its ok…..nothing is happening

Nothing at a-

My thoughts were broken off when he finally started to talk

“sooo….”he sounded relived

“soo” I answered back straight away

I turned to face him
He was still playing with my hair
I raised an eye brow with suspicion

“mafyaa shay ” he chuckled

“hehe magilt shay”

“la 3yoonich ely galw”

“la walla…heheh o sho gaalw ba3ad?”

He was quiet for a few seconds

His eyes were on me for

Watching me carefully

“eygooln….eygooln enhm beyroo7n 3an 7abeebhm ”

My smile faded

“maba aroo7”my voice was a whisper
I didn’t want my thoughts to hear
I didn’t want to think about it
I knew I wouldn’t be happy about this
I just didn’t think it would be this hard

He heard the sadness in my voice

“2meerty el 7elwah laish za3lana”

I tried to ignore what was coming

I didn’t want to ruin our last light

I started to play with the sand

Only way to distract myself

“look at me”his voice was warm

I didn’t turn



I was still playing with the sand

“laish ma6al3eeny?”

“im thinking”

“inzain think o 6al3eeny”

“I cant”


I didn’t reply

I needed to think

I needed to know what will happen

I needed to know how I’ll be able to talk to him

I needed to know how I would survive this

He suddenly wrapped one hand around my back and the other under my knees

I didn’t realize what he was doing until i wasnt on the sand anymore

I started to scream


“shhhhhhhhh lat9ar5eeeen hehehehe”he was cracking up while I was panicking

“Nazelnyyy I can walk !”

“mashaaaay hehehe”

He started to fast walk toward the water

As soon as I turned my face to see what he was smiling at I realized what he wanted to do

“Nononononono 3abady mabaaa !”my voice sounded like a child about to cry

“entee min yaaati o madasheeti el ba7aar kaaif chee you live in front of it !”

“walllaaaa badish baaas not now NOT LIKE THIS!”I was looking down at myself

“No difference ya 7elwah hehehe”

“laaa mabaaaa mabaaa mabaaa ”

He stared to tickle me

“heehehhe stop ahhahahahaha stopstop 3abaaady okok hehehee”

“hehehe 5alaa9 my tummy hurts hehehe”

“2waal shay promise me u’ll never be sad”

“hehe I promise !”

“mashay za3aaal ok!”


He finally stopped

But we were already in the water

He put me down slowly

The water reached my knees

“aaaaah cold”

“bardaanh?”he sounded worried

“laa bas el maaay bared”

“ta3aaly ben6laa3 mabach tebredeen”

“laaa laa mabaa”

"tawich matebeen edisheen yal shai6ana hehehe"

"hehe abaaa atim"

“taraany bashelich”he gave me his evil smile

“2weeeeh haaa haa 6elaa3t hehe”

“hehe ta3aaly baraweech shay”

He looked down at his hand

And reached for my hand

Our hands interlocked straight away

I didn’t have to think

It happens willingly now

I don’t have to force myself to do anything with him

I couldn’t control my movements around him even if I tried

He made me this way

He controlled me

Mafee ‘3araah sekaaan roo7i 7abeebi wanaa a7ebaa

Law gaalw temanaa atmana 3umry gurbaah !

We were on the sand now

We sat next to each other still holding hands

He looked at me

But I was looking up at the sky

A lock from my hair was covering my face

His hand reached out to pull it away

Still looking at me

“tchoofeen hal nejoom?”


“tegdereen t3edeenhm?”

“mmmm laaa”

“enzain choofy…….kel ma6ree 3alla balich”

He pointed up to the sky

“chofy foog”

“laish ya3ny?”

“3ashan 7uby lech nafs el nejoom”he smiled


I smiled at him straight away

Mub beedy

He makes me smile

He makes me happy

Kalaamh eyfaar7 galbi

Ey3alemny ashyaa2 makint a3arfha

Eykaberny ma3aah

Ey3ayeshni 7ubaah
Gives me hope

Gives me strength

Gives me power to keep living

living for him only…..